Sunday, August 4, 2024

Miso-Honey Salmon Salad




Soy Sauce

Spring Salad Mix

Balsamic Vinegar

Olive Oil

Fresh ground pepper

Friday, March 5, 2021



Feinschmeckerart mit Ingwer, Möhren und Sahne

30 Min. , simpel, 430 kcal
Zutaten für 4 Portionen
2 kg Tomate(n) frische
1 Dose Tomate(n), geschälte (400 ml) optional
2 Tasse/n Wasser
6 m.-große Möhre(n)
2m.-große Zwiebel(n)
3 EL Butter
5 Zehe/n bis zu 8
50 g Ingwer
200 ml Sahne
1 EL Tomatenmark (bis zu 1 Dose)
2 EL Zucker
Salz und Pfeffer oder gekörnte Brühe
Petersilie, fein gehackt
Thymian, fein gehackt
Basilikum, fein gehackt
Servieren mit Eminem Mozarella ball swimming und Einem Basil leaf

Nährwerte pro Portion. kcal 430
Eiweiß 10,30 g
Fett 23,53 g
Kohlenhydr. 42,00 g
Zubereitung - Arbeitszeit ca. 30 Minuten
Koch-/Backzeit ca. 40 Minuten
Gesamtzeit ca. 1 Stunde 10 Minuten
Die Zwiebeln und den Knoblauch schälen, würfeln und in der Butter glasig anschwitzen. Die frisch gewürfelten Tomaten und Möhren sowie den gewürfelten Ingwer dazugeben und mit zwei Tassen Wasser aufkochen.

Zucker, Tomatenmark und die Dose Schältomaten jetzt dazugeben und alles 30 Minuten kochen lassen. Dabei häufig durchrühren. Mit Salz und Pfeffer oder Brühe abschmecken.

Den Topf vom Herd nehmen und mit einem Mixstab die Suppe pürieren. Danach die Sahne unterrühren.

Zum Anrichten die Suppe mit etwas frischer Sahne und den fein gehackten Kräutern garnieren. Dazu Toastbrot oder Ciabatta reichen.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Rouladin ala Martin "Made it up"

  • 10 large pieces of beef rouladin
  • 5 large carrots
  • 1 onion
  • 6 green onions
  • 4 garlic toes
  • 1 full bottle stoneground mustard
  • 10 strips thin sliced bacon
  • 900 gram sauerkraut (large bag)
  • 1 T. Paprika powder, spicy from Chinese Market
  • 1 T. Ground Cumin
  • 1 large can tomato paste (340 g)
  • 1 cube beef broth
  • 1 carton sour cream 
  • dash of red wine
  • fresh ground pepper to taste
  • Toothpicks for securing

Potato Side Dish
  • 4 large potatoes
  • 50 g. butter
  • 240 ml heavy cream
Vegetable Side Dish
  • 2 packs of microwave Brussel sprouts
  1. Use a meat mallet to pound out rouladin meat until as thin as it can be.
  2. Wash and chop carrots to slice for both broth and filling. For the filling, slice carrots lengthwise, using thin tip end to cut into strips roughly about 4-5 per tip to the length of the meat. Chop remaining carrots on the diagonal thin like pennies, set aside in a bowl for the sauce. 
  3. Dice onions, spring onions, and garlic finely. 
  4. Separate bacon slices. Trim fat off the bacon and cube for broth. Use the bacon slices for rouladin. 
  5. Mix cumin and paprika powder in small bowl. 
  6. Spread each beef slice with mustard (about 1 heaping tablespoon). 
  7. Sprinkle beef slice with a teaspoon of spice mix. 
  8. Layer with 4-5 small carrot strips, bacon strip, & 2 T. of sauerkraut (not too much so that it can still be rolled up)
  9. Roll up from short end, carefully fold open sides & secure with tooth picks.
  10. Brown rouladin in a deep pot, with bacon fat, cubed. When glazed, add onions and stir for about 2 minutes then add green onions, & carrots, & garlic. Brown for 5-7 minutes, until onions are soft and translucent. 
  11. Remove veggies leaving grease in pan, placing veggies on the side. 
  12. Add 60 g. butter into pot and melt. 
  13. Fry beef on all sides, cover and set aside.
  14. Mix 2 cups of broth and add in vegetables
  15. Place rouladin back into pot making sure broth covers all beef.
  16. Cover and simmer for about 45 minutes. 
  17. Mix sauerkraut and spice mix in small sauce pan and boil on low for 30 minutes. 
  18. Peel and boil potatoes until soft about 20 minutes. 
  19. Mash together butter and potatoes with cream and pepper to taste. 
  20. Meanwhile place Brussel sprouts in the microwave according to directions. 
  21. Place rouladin in to a warming dish. 
  22. Blend vegetables into broth with hand mixer. 
  23. Add tomato paste & bring to a boil 
  24. Blend in sour cream & bring to a low boil. 
  25. To serve rouladin, slice with a sharp knife diagonally. 
  26. Serve with vegetables, mashed potatoes and sauce for gravy, if desired. 



Sunday, November 22, 2020

Banana Curry in a Hurry

 Cut vegetables small:

1 bunch broccoli

1 bunch cauliflower

3 large carrots

1 leek (optional)

Fry in bacon fat:

1 small onion

2 garlic toes

mix under to stir for 5 minutes


2 bananas (brown) mushed

Add curry mix

paprika powder

Garam Marsalla

Gently stir in 1 large container of sour cream

Cover with lid and boil for 30 minutes stirring occasionally. 

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Roasted Turkey and Wild Rice Soup

1 6 oz. box Uncle Ben's wild rice mix
1 1/2 cups red onion chopped
1 cup carrot chopped
1 8 oz. package mushrooms sliced
1 cup celery chopped
2 garlic cloves chopped 
1 T. Olive oil

1/4 c. Flour
1/4 t. Dried Thyme
1/2 t. Dried tarragon

2 cups water 
2 cans chicken broth 
2 T. Dry sherry 
1 can evaporated milk 

3 cups shredded roasted turkey

Prepare rice according to package directions; set aside. 

Heat oil in a large Dutch oven over medium-high heat. Add onion, celery, carrot, garlic, and mushrooms, sauté for 6 minutes or until onion is tender. Stir the flour, tarragon, and thyme into the onion mixture and cook for 1 minute, stirring frequently. Add 2 cups water, sherry, chicken broth, and evaporated milk; bring mixture to a boil. Reduce heat, simmer for 20 minutes or until slightly thick. Stir in cooked rice and chicken. Cook for 10 minutes or until heated throughly. 

From Williams Family cookbook. 

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Clinton Street Bakery Pancakes

Today I found the link for the recipe to the best pancakes in the world! In my opinion anyways.


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Pineapple Fried Rice


3 T. Soy sauce 
1 T. Sesame oil
1/2 t. Ginger powder
1/2 t. pepper

2 T. Olive oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 c. Frozen edamame (shelled)
2 c. Diced fresh pineapple
1 portobello mushroom, diced
2 green onions, sliced 

3 cups cooked white rice
Salt to taste


In a small bowl whisk together soy sauce, sesame oil, ginger powder and white pepper; set aside. 

Heat olive oil in a large skillet or wok over medium-high heat. Add garlic, pineapple, mushrooms, edamame and green onion to the skillet, and cook, stirring often, about 3 to 4 minutes.

Stir in soy sauce mixture. Cook, stirring constantly, adding rice until heated through, about two minutes.

Serve immediately.